With Live Proxies' metered plans, users have the option to whitelist (authorize) their instance IPs. While this is not a requirement, it can provide an added layer of security and protection for your proxies.
To whitelist an instance IP for your metered plan, log in to your user dashboard and navigate to the IP Authorization section. From there, you can add up to 6 instance IPs at any given time. It's important to note that whitelisting is optional for metered plans, and you can still use your proxies without whitelisting any instance IPs.
There have been instances where bots or applications utilized the task proxies from users' servers without authorization, which necessitated running the proxies without whitelisted IPs. Consequently, unmetered plans are not suitable for these bots as IP whitelisting is a requirement. Additionally, users on metered plans should not have any whitelisted IPs on their dashboard to ensure smooth operation of the bots running proxies on their servers.