Nike and SNKRS tend to be very strict when it comes to bot and proxy detection. They require you to use accounts and their releases are typically done in a "draw" or "raffle" fashion that filter out any bot entries based off their IPs and account activities, while simultaneously defending against automations and requests from proxies that look suspicious to them.
Despite having a long time to enter the draw/raffle, having fast proxies is still important since running the software is typically computer intensive and it takes some time to sign into all of your accounts and enter for the releases due to the high amount of accounts that are typically submitted. At Live Proxies, we provide both, allowing you to get past Nike/SNKRS heavy security measures against proxies as well as getting your entries in on time. Compared to competitors, our proxies are 100% residential and utilize real device peers that are human like, while also being faster than most residential providers.
Additionally, using software on Nike/SNKRS may require you to use a good amount of data, so we only count the download data when it comes to consuming your plan. Most providers count both download and upload when tracking usage of your data, so at Live you should be spending less data compared to other providers (assuming they work as effectively).
Overall, using Live Proxies gives you a competitive advantage on Nike/SNKRS as you're less likely to have your accounts filtered and your IPs flagged while also spending less data for each release.